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National People's Congress Standing Committee law enforcement inspection team to check the implementation of the food safety lawView [3599] Time :2016-05-30

Hunger breeds discontentment, food to safety first. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will be the first in 2016 to check the safety of law enforcement in the field of food safety.

April 24, 2015, the newly revised food safety law by the fourteenth session of the Twelfth Meeting of the National People's Congress voted to pass, known as the history of the most stringent food safety law. Life of the law lies in the implementation, the implementation of the new law how? Food safety situation has been effectively improved? What problems still exist? In this regard, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of law enforcement inspection team is divided into 5 road, Hubei, Inner Mongolia, Tianjin, Heilongjiang and other 10 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government to carry out inspection. "Economic Daily" reporter in early May to follow the inspection team to Heilongjiang, to explore the people most concerned about the food safety issues.

Domestic milk powder to be trusted

Since the melamine incident occurred in 2008, the Chinese people's confidence in the domestic milk powder once fell to the bottom. It is a shopping spree of foreign milk powder, so that many countries of Chinese under the "milk purchase order". In the face of embarrassment, consumers can not help but loudly raised questions: in the end when we can drink the rest assured that the domestic milk powder?

"I bet, domestic milk absolutely reached the international standard." Heilongjiang Province Wandashan Dairy Co., Ltd. Quality Director Li Jian patting chest to the reporter said, in recent years, with increasing emphasis on food safety in our country, enterprise production management level has improved markedly, especially infant milk powder, which is not lower than the international standard.

Li Jian's argument is not "Wangpo saying" get more response and affirmation. "Indeed, in China in the field of food safety regulation, infant milk powder is the most strict management, if say what kind of domestic food security, infant milk powder make no apology." State Food and drug administration legal secretary Xu Jinghe said.

In addition to recognition from regulators, the laboratory data also give support to this view. "At present we have 100 a number of detection indicators for milk powder, so far, our laboratory testing of dairy products pass rate of 100%. Heilongjiang Province food and drug inspection and testing the pantry, deputy director of the doke told reporters, especially infant milk powder, the supervision and inspection of the indicators are very strict, the quality is absolutely guaranteed. "My son is 7 years old, he is to eat domestic milk powder grew up, very healthy!"

Of course, the quality of products never is "said" out, through on-the-spot investigation, reporter to guarantee the safety of infant milk powder of several factors have an intuitive feeling: according to pharmaceutical enterprise standards for production management; strengthen forage, feed, suppliers and other industry chain of custody, product traceability.


Walking in the Wandashan Dairy production workshop, through the glass wall to the fully enclosed work area to look, the figure of microscopic staff, instead is advanced machinery and piping and arm. "This will reduce pollution to the maximum extent." Li Jian, the sealing operation area is in accordance with the GMP standard construction and management. That is to say, the infant milk powder production processes is comparison of pharmaceutical production standards. Reporter saw a small detail, in these areas, all corners are arc radius, the purpose of which is to eliminate the filth of the.

Heilongjiang spring comes a bit late, early may walk in the Feihe dairy subordinate Gannan Xinda Rui original ecological animal husbandry industry Co., Ltd. ranch, the reporter did not see the endless green pastures, but still feel the the enterprise pay more and more attention to the source of governance. "In order to from the source to solve the security problem of milk source, flying crane will organic forage planting and fine feed processing into to the whole industry chain, and built with an annual output of 25 million tons of organic feed items." Gannan Xinda Rui original ecological animal husbandry Co., Ltd. chairman Leng Youbin told reporters that due to the cows eat well, milk cow breed good. The ranch milk protein content and other indicators are higher, "our 56 kg of fresh milk can be a pound of milk powder, far more than an average of 8 kg".

For consumers, the production process is not visible, to allow consumers to really rest assured, can be traced back to the system is very necessary to protect. In front of the milk tank bottom gently sweep the two-dimensional code, all information at a glance: milk and feed, production and sourcing, quality control and R & D, warehousing and logistics, sales and service and the information has been specific to every second of every minute of each person. In Wandashan and Fei, reporters saw the mature traceability system.

"2008 so far, China's infant milk powder market after several rounds of shuffling, currently only 82, for they perform are the most stringent regulation. For example infant milk powder production management standards even higher than the standard of oral drug, and each batch of products must inspection provisions than foreign counterparts more strict. " The State Food and drug supervision and Management Bureau deputy director of the Jiao Hong said that the current domestic brand enterprises in the production of infant milk powder is completely reliable.

The good network is called the source of food

Make a telephone, fingertips, the food is sent to the doorstep, network called meal now many young people have become habits. It must be admitted that the network is not only convenient and quick, but the price is low, but the quality is also good? Doubt does exist.

"Into the kitchen, the inspectors ate a surprised, pot black stains stains, greasy, liquefied gas hose cross winding, 35 square meters kitchen cluttered, and even the dog run around in the next to; in another nearby Houchu, check that person.

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