澳门尼威斯人网站8311(官方认证)-App Platform

  • Famous foods of Hong kong
    Recently, a lot of people go to Hongkong tourism, Hongkong specialty is also a concern.What are famous foods of Hong Kong ? Yuen Long wife cake, Hong Kong roast meat, memory is still fresh a...
  • XO sauce
    In the 1980 sXO sauce has emerged in Hong KongAnd after a period of timeIs on behalf of the Hong Kong flavor ingredientsWe have a special feelings for Hong KongAnd the most can represent the taste of ...
  • The black diamonds of ocean
    The black diamonds of ocean, have you eaten yet?Abalone, itself is a kind of advanced rare ingredients.But, the black abalone, you have seen?Today, small have accompanied you to goTo explore the legen...
  • Scallops
    Have to explore smoked seafood the tonic -scallopsscallops is Chinese New Year food consumption rate is quite highThat is to use the scallops and shellfish Ming beiThe cooked it closed shell muscle of...
  • Cooking ways of sausage
    Steamed Rice with Dried Duck1. Rice abluent reserve; salted duck, sausage, bacon in boiling water for about 5 minutes, filter the water reserve; 2. The water into the casserole, until the water to boi...
  • Four health foods
    Four health foods Chinese cook about a "color aroma and taste". From this we can see that the "color" is the first one, the color of the visible food for us has an i...
  • XO sauce is regarded as the Oriental caviar
    XO sauce is regarded as the Oriental caviarXO, thick Europe amorous feelings, let a person remember the blue sea, carve patterns or designs on woodwork fence with an attractive recline lithe and grace...
  • Spanish Delicacy——The Iberian Ham
    The Iberian Ham you as one of the legendary European nine ingredients, is famous and expensive than Italian Parma Ham. In Spain, good Iberian ham is used to eat with wine, cooking is very exquisite, t...
  • Spanish Sausage
    Chorizo born with different characteristics, it always give a person to Spain's unusual food fantasy. That's what makes chorizo hung up the mystery? The following, we will unveil its mysteriou...
  • 在家自制菠萝饭 吃出大牌餐厅感
    在家自制菠萝饭 吃出大牌餐厅感憶食尚又到了美食时间跟小编一起来做美食!菠萝饭的味道甜蜜而且非常适合开胃,营养丰富,而且制作难度不大。先把材料给准备好,如上图所示。将菠萝对半切开,用小刀将中间的果肉取出,留下大约150g的菠萝果肉用来炒饭,将这一部份切成丁备用。 把虾用盐腌制10分钟,备用。在煎锅中高温加热适量油,加入米饭炒至粒粒分明,约需时3分钟。加入腌好的虾和杂菜快速翻炒,约需时2分钟...
  • Fired Abalone Xo Sauce Long Lee Fish
    Fried abalone xo sauce Long Lee fishDoubtfire private kitchens: abalone xo sauce Fried Flounder fishFood preparation Long Lee fish 500g, onion, yellow pepper 1 red pepper 1, 1 green pepper, mushrooms,...
  • Abalone Xo Sauce Dishes
    Abalone XO Sauce Fried BeefFood preparation:Beef tenderloin, asparagus, memory is still fresh abalone XO sauce fried beef, garlicProduction process:Fillet of beef with a knife blade shoot loose, cut i...
  • Mushroom Sausage Dumplings
    Mushroom sausage dumplingsI think we have eaten pork dumplings, pork dumplings trap but you have not paid attention to it, a delicious dumplings The most important thing is stuck, and today we recomme...
  • Grielld Eggplant With Garlic Bacon
    Grilled eggplant with garlic bacon- Yi is still fresh -Grilled eggplant with garlic baconIt is difficult to resist the temptationCantonese-style baconGuangdong Cantonese-style bacon along the Han styl...
  • Salted duck stewrice cake
    Salted duck stew rice cakeIt is difficult to resist the temptation Nanan BanyaNanan Banya is one of the specialties of Jiangxi Province, is a traditional New Year, salty taste, is a New Year'...
  • Sandy's Kitchen abalone xo sauce fried zucchini
    Sandy's Kitchen abalone xo sauce fried zucchiniChu Joe Momma sauces found in the New World, get a bottle of abalone xo sauce deft dishes! Maria Today this road abalone xo sauce fried zucchini...
  • Sausage durian rice
    Do you ever think, sausages and durian can get together ? Consider the wonderful picture, sausage salty fragrant gravy, durian aromatic fruit, alternating with each other, in your taste buds on the to...
  • XO sauce beans steamed fish
     XO sauce beans steamed fish1. The fistular onion stalk, peel chopped, garlic, lobster sauce, cornstarch and seasoning salt, sugar, wine, steamed fish soy sauce placed a bowl, mix seasoning, sauc...
  • Weekend DelicaciesFried chicken Ingredients: Chicken Accessories: XO sauce, pepper, sugar, soy sauce Making method: 1, wash out chicken, chicken bone; 2, with a knife in the legs gently cut a few kniv
    Fried chickenIngredients: ChickenAccessories: XO sauce, pepper, sugar, soy sauceMaking method:1, wash out chicken, chicken bone;2, with a knife in the legs gently cut a few knives, to prevent the fryi...
  • Those things in summer
    Those things in summerWant to eat delicious food, food preservation is a very important link.Every day he went to the trouble to buy food and buy a lot of dishes, and afraid of bad!I look at food toge...
  • Tips for taking pictures of food
    Food is a very interesting material chowhound can also be a great photographer.1,45degrees from the perspective of depression, as well as deliciousFrom an angle of 45 degrees, slowly close distance sh...
  • With XO sauce Scallop in Shell
    With XO sauce Scallop in ShellMaterial ScienceA 5 to 6 Scallop in Shell, the amount of memory is still fresh abalone XO fans, 5 to 6 small spoon sauce;Amount of salt, pepper amount, material and amoun...
  • XO sauce seafood pasta
    MaterialsIngredients: 300 grams of noodles, Yi XO restaurant abalone sauce 20 grams, 50 grams of shrimp, clams 60 grams, 50 grams of squidIngredients: 5 grams of olive oil, okra 2, 1 green onions, gin...
  • How to eat ham?
    "Don't know to eat don't understand life," said the Spanish proverb. Then, the spaniards contributed to the world series of full of beautiful things in eyes of Tapas snacks, Paella r...
  • The  strange picking  of truffles
    Truffles, itself because it contains very high nutritional value, and can not be planted and, additionally, the production is extremely rare, this precious. But, you know what is not the truffle is li...
  • What's truffles?
    Truffle, also called truffles, is a kind of wild edible fungi growing on the ground. The rough surface of the surface of the ball, small, such as walnuts, such as fist. When the internal white, unifor...
  • What's foie gras?
       Goose foie gras is the animal liver, the traditional top dishes of France, the French called Foie Gras". Among them, "Gras" in French means "fat, fat, fat," the m...
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